Good morning everyone! I am loving this holiday weekend. My bebe dragon didn't have daycare Friday, so I have had four days off. Four. Days. Wooo! :D Better still, my dear friend Rachel from
Sheepish Shenanigans is coming down to play. Since she's a rat fink and moved 3 hours away, it's been a while since we've been able to do this.
The sun even agreed with me yesterday and let me take photos of some new goodies for the shop. Today I'm sharing my latest scrapbook page kit with you - Rawr!
Rawr! That's dragon for "I love you" |
I admit, I may have had my little dude in mind for this one. After all, he'll tell you what dragons say - RAWR!
The kit comes with everything you need to make the pages, though the dragon is a little tricky. If you'll bear with my craft room lighting camera phone photos, I'll walk you through it!
Dragon Pieces |
All right, here are the pieces, arranged into their groups; head, body, wings, base. I used my Zig glue pen and the Mono Glue to put everything together. The nice thing about liquid glue is that it gives you a bit of time to shift the pieces if needed. Let's start off easy with the wings.
Assembled wings |
Admittedly, these are some of the easier ones. See that dark spotting on the right one, though? That's what happens when you first attach them upside down...don't do that. It's messy.
Assembled torso |
The body isn't too bad, either. The deep green is your base, followed by the yellow for the tummy then topped with the light green.
Assembled tail |
The tail is next; again, dark green on the bottom, light green on top.
Assembled ears |
The ears are pretty simple as well; one is all set, the other needs to be attached to the white piece to give it that 'shine'.
Now the head; this one is multiple steps.
Black oval to the back of the green snout |
The black oval included is to make the black behind the nostrils and eyes. Start by attaching the snout to it, then attach both to the white piece.
Finished first piece of the head |
Add the other green piece on top to finish off his cute face.
Fully assembled face |
Now you can attach everything to the base!
Finished dragon |
There we go! One adorable dragon ready for your page. If you're ready to get yours, they're now listed in the
Enjoy the rest of the weekend, and happy crafting!
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